BUSINESS HELP UK GROUP is London based multi-lingual company which is accredited and licensed in training and human resource development. With a strong UK presence, we have the confidence to guarantee the success of our work and help individuals and organizations to succeed and improve through our innovative and robust training services. We offer bespoke...
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Other Trainings » Health And Safety


What does the course cover?

    * Health and safety law
    * Health, safety and welfare
    * The workplace and workplace equipment
    * Risk assessment
    * Manual handling
    * Noise and vibration
    * Hazardous substances
    * Ergonomics and workstation design
    * Transport and vehicles

Who is the course for?

This qualification will benefit all employees and their managers so that they are aware of their own safety, the safety of customers, contractors and the public. It’s suitable for the private and public sectors and is ideal for all who want an accredited qualification.

How is the course assessed?

A multiple choice assessment paper will be given at the end of the session.  Successful candidates gaining 20 correct answers out of 30 will be awarded a Level 2 Award in Health and Safety from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.


The assessment can take place orally for those who have difficulties reading or writing.  Many foreign languages can be catered for.

How long does the course last?

6 hours

How long is the certificate valid for?

3 years


 How much does it cost?


Prices are dependant on numbers. Give us a call as we will not be beaten on quality and price.
Booking form

Course title: Health And Safety

Location and Time: N/A

Price: £ 0.00

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Payment options for our trainings:
Business Help UK
Group Ltd

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